Award News 2004
Imageworks received the Communicator Award of Distinction for “Eliminating Health Disparities,” a videoconference produced for KPBS and the California Distance Learning Health Network.
Imageworks received the Communicator Award of Distinction for “Eliminating Health Disparities,” a videoconference produced for KPBS and the California Distance Learning Health Network.
Imageworks completed its first high definition production, “Soy Mi Familia”, a thirty-second flu shot PSA directed by Imageworks’ Craig Bentley for KPBS and the California Distance Learning Health Network. For the San Diego Regional Center, Imageworks produced “My Life…My Way, Chris’s Story”, “Kids and Community – Connect for the Future”, and “Successful Communities – Everyone Valued”, a series of videos about integrating people with disabilities into the community. Wrapping up a record year, Imageworks produced “Warrant Service & Building Entries,” “Preliminary Investigation,” and “2004 Legal Update” for POST, the state police commission, and KPBS.
Imageworks and KPBS produced “Learning Without Limits,” a marketing video for the California Distance Learning Health Network, and also videotaped their Distance Learning Facilitators conference. “Traffic Stops 2004” is the latest video telecourse produced by Imageworks for POST and KPBS. KPBS once again hired Imageworks to produce video segments for UCSD Athena for the “Pinnacle Awards,” and for the Entrepreneurial Management Center at SDSU for “Venture Challenge 2003”. “Integrating Systems”, a videoconference, was produced by Imageworks and KPBS for the Dental Health Initiative of San Diego and Share The Care. Dimension One Spas contracted Imageworks to shoot beauty shots of their latest spa creation, the Sarena Bay.
Imageworks is wrapping up a busy fall and winter by completing a video for KPBS and the California Dept. of Insurance titled “Workers’ Comp Fraud: Truth or Consequences”. In addition to a generic version for all of California, Imageworks taped 19 district attorneys from around the state and produced customized versions of the video for each of their counties. For POST and KPBS, Imageworks produced two public service announcements, a motivational video and a training video to help recruit dispatchers. Other POST training videos included Anti-Reproductive Rights Crimes, Civil Disobedience and the annual Legal Update for peace officers. Other recent co-productions with KPBS include a marketing video and multi-camera conference support for the California Distance Learning Health Network, and an instructional video on the Mirage Vista Mask System for ResMed. For Dimension One Spas, Imageworks produced a marketing video for their Aquatic Fitness System, an all-in-one spa, stationary lap pool and fitness center.
Imageworks earned Telly Finalist Awards for two police training videos, “Elder/Dependent Adult Abuse” and “Late Life Domestic Violence,” and a public service announcement, “The Badge.”
Imageworks recently produced English and Spanish versions of a video for the San Diego Regional Center that showcases their self-determination pilot project. The project empowers people with developmental disabilities to plan services according to their individual needs, instead of choosing from a standard list. Imageworks then videotaped a self-determination conference presented by the regional center. In a busy first half of 2002, Imageworks also taped a medical presentation for JG Solutions, interviews for Fisher Scientific, and a spa installation video for Dimension One Spas. CO-productions with KPBS included a fully interactive DVD for Baby Playtime, videotaping in San Diego and San Bernardino for the Centers for Disease Control in Atlanta, an awards kickoff video for the Entrepreneurial Management Center, and a police training video for the California Commission on Peace Officer Standards & Training.
Imageworks spent a large part of 2001 producing a package of recruiting videos for KPBS and the California Commission on Peace Officer Standards & Training. The package included 6 public service announcements, a video news release, a promotional tape, a two-hour best practices video and a 3-day symposium in Burbank. Imageworks also produced several other training videos for POST, covering topics such as Elder Abuse, Late Life Domestic Violence and the annual legal update for peace officers. Other projects for KPBS included an image piece for the California Department of Information Technology, a marketing video for ResMed, and an immunization training video for the California Department of Health Services. Imageworks and KPBS also provided video support again this year for SDSU‘s international business plan competition and UCSD CONNECT‘s Most Innovative New Product Awards.
Imageworks celebrated its 15th year in business with an open house at its office in Bankers Hill. Clients, vendors and colleagues took part in the celebration.
Imageworks won a Platinum Aurora “Best in Show” award, and was a Telly Finalist, for “2001 Legal Update”. Imageworks also garnered a Gold Aurora for “Domestic Violence: Court Orders”, and Communicator Awards for two PSAs: “Are You Living Your Dream?” and “Make a Difference.”
Dimension One Spas once again came to Imageworks to produce their 2001 Video Owner’s Manual, and for the second year in a row, UCSD CONNECT called upon Imageworks and KPBS to provide video support for the Most Innovative New Products awards. Also in conjunction with KPBS, Imageworks has recently completed the Domestic Violence Court Orders and 2001 Legislative Update telecourses for the California Commission on Peace Officer Standards and Training. KPBS and Alden Associates had Imageworks produce a marketing DVD for JNI, and Imageworks and KPBS also produced a fund-raising video for Bethel Seminary of San Diego.